Hydroponic Garden
I am pretty limited on dirt space where I live, so I decided to build a vertical Hydroponic Garden. YOUTUBE Link Here. And follow up Link Here. I used a series of Drain pipes and PVC in the build. My sump is a Costco storage bin with holes drilled in the top. My sump pump is a repurposed fish tank pump. (It had to bee pretty strong to pump water from ground level to the top tier.)To feed the garden, I simply add a scoop of this:
If I were to do it over... I would use square 4" fence posts. My reason being: As the roots grow they will clog the pipes if not cut back. When I drilled my holes in my pipes the circular shape creates a dip in the level of the pipe, so when water starts to back up...water drips out and I loose lots of water. I figure if I have all of my holes drilled on a level surface...there won't be as much leakage.
Here's some of the things I used in my Garden with links:
A few bags of these clay pebbles.
2" cups for the Lower Tiers